Friday, March 1, 2013

Against the odds

No matter how slim the chance there is always a chance of anything happening in life and in medicine.  For one family in Texas they beat the odds and won the biological lottery by having two sets of identical twins without any help from fertility drugs.  I don't know about you, but I wouldn't know what to do if a physician told me that you aren't only having one baby but four to add to your family.  This article made me think about the biological lottery that many play everyday.  When it comes to pregnancy, what are the odds?

Ask yourself, what are the odds of getting pregnant after having sex only once?

After a little research it is really hard to pinpoint an exact number.  I found that there is about a 3% chance of getting pregnant from one time of sex.  Those are pretty high odds and in my opinion not worth the risk.  That is 3 in 100 chance of getting pregnant. 

What are the odds of getting pregnant in general?

According to a model published last year here, a 25 year old woman has an 18% chance of getting pregnant if she has been trying to conceive for 3 months.  That is close to a one in five chance of getting pregnant within three months of trying.  Not bad odds if you want to bring a bundle of joy into your life.

What are your odds of having identical twins?

While for some twins may be a blessing for others it may be a cause for panic in not knowing how to prepare for two bundles of joy.  The odds of having identical twins are about 3 in 1000 or about 0.3%

What are your odds of having two sets of identical twins like the family mentioned in the article?

The odds of having two sets of identical twins is somewhat astronomical.  You still have a better chance of having two sets of identical twins than winning the Powerball lottery, but it is still like winning the biological lottery.  The odds of having two sets of identical twins are around 1 in 70 million.  Those are some huge odds!  The family in Texas was hoping to have a little sister or brother for their 2 year old son and since all four twins were boys they say they will probably try again.  If three is a crowd, then I have no idea what six are.

In conclusion, whether you are trying to get pregnant or trying to stay un-pregnant, by having unprotected sex you are playing the biological lottery.  Why not try to stack the deck in your favor by doing everything possible to conceive or not to conceive?  The next time you are trying to conceive make sure you are ready for any multiples that may occur, because although considered rare, they do happen.

Check out the full article here.

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Take care and have a happy, healthy, March!

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