Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Valentine's Day has come and gone, but I am sure there are still remnants of flowers, cute cards, and pieces of chocolate left over from the indulgent holiday.  Hopefully no one suffered from Broken Heart Syndrome and was able to enjoy some of that wonderful chocolate.  Now that the chocolate is nearly gone let's discuss the health benefits you may have gotten from that tasty dark stuff.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Heartbreak Hotel

Today is Valentine's Day and most will be spending time with that special someone.  I know I will be spending time with my soon to be wife and will be enjoying my last Valentine's Day as a "single" man.  While many of us will be enjoying the lovey dovey stuff that goes with Valentine's Day, there will be some that participate in "Single's Awareness Day" and others will be eating raw cookie dough and ice cream trying to mend a broken heart.  I sincerely hope that each and every one of my readers has a wonderful Valentine's day, but if you do decide to check into the Heartbreak Hotel this Valentine's Day, don't allow your emotions to consume you.  Heartbreak can be a devastating process and can even cause death if taken to the extreme.  In my experiences, I have seen a dog mourn itself to death after the loss of a companion.  I have seen elderly couples that seemingly couldn't live without each other because after one spouse passed, the other died witin a few weeks.  Was it grief, stress, or some other psychological process that we don't understand that drove them to death?  We may never know, but it is not impossible to think that they suffered from Broken Heart Syndrome.  That is right your broken heart can not only affect your psychological state, but it can also affect your physical state as well. 

Monday, February 11, 2013

Chicken Soup: Does it heal the soul?

For as long as I can remember my mom and grandmother have always said that the best remedy for a cold is chicken noodle soup.  As I was growing up I never questioned the amazing healing properties of this mystical liquid, but now find myself being a skeptic of many of the "truths" my family taught me about health and wellness.  Going through medical school has definitely changed my outlook on the way I view health and wellness and it is no longer acceptable for me to just take any one's word  about a treatment (even if it is my mom's word).  After doing some research I found that chicken soup as a cure is not just an old wives tale.  There are compounds called carnosine that strengthen the immune system to fight off the cold and flu bugs.  Previous studies show that Chicken Noodle Soup has an anti-inflammatory effect which can help reduce upper respiratory symptoms.  Who ever would have thought that mom's had it right all along?

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Southern Diet Increases Stroke Risk

As I am sure most people in the South will agree that the food in the south is better than most.  I personally love deep-fried chicken and who could live in the South without enjoying some amazing sweet tea.  Moderation is the key with any food and as much as I love these foods I always have them in moderation.  Looking at the study does discourage eating certain foods typical to the Southern diet, but there is good news as well.  Some foods in the Southern diet actually prevent strokes instead of causing them.  Collard greens are one such food cited as an example.  Being from the South that I find that many of our foods are fried and full

First Post

This blog is to let others know more about me and to provide readers with commentary on the most recent health news that I come across as I go through my journey in medicine.  Currently, I am a fourth year medical student about to graduate and will be going through the match.  This alone should bring some exciting times.  As I enter residency there will be more exciting times and plenty to talk about as I experience the medical system in a brand new way.  I hope that this blog brings you  good health and prosperity and teaches everyone something new health and wellness. 

Please comment below if there are any particular topics that you would like to be discussed or would like to know more about.  I will not answer specific medical questions, but will provide more insight about a particular topic if someone wants to know more.